Glenora Wine Cellars - Products - Niagara 750mL
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Niagara 750mL

Niagara 750mL

2 Review(s)

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These flavors are balanced by a lusciously semi-sweet finish. This pleasant easy drinking wine is very agreeable when served well chilled, for picnics or every day enjoyment.

Wine Specs

Appellation Finger Lakes
Acid 0.66%
pH 3.10
Residual Sugar 6.0%
Alcohol % 11

Product Reviews

Oksana S's Gravatar

Oksana S
1 1 1 1 1 (Sep 27, 2011 at 6:59 PM)

This wine is so delicious, I live in Florida and always ask my mother to bring some from NY when she comes to visit. It is smooth, sweet, tastes like grapes, my husband and I just love it....

jane's Gravatar

1 1 1 1 1 (Jan 13, 2017 at 8:23 PM)

Love this wine! Wish I would have purchased a case when we visited this past fall.

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